Any government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, June 09, 2005


By: Neal Boortz, Liberterian Talk Show Host

Rock the Vote is an MTV promotion. Yesterday Rock the Vote gave an award to Bill Clinton. A "lifetime achievement" award. The award was meant to "honor an individual who has always made reaching out to people and appealing to their values a primary part of his efforts to make the world a better place." Clinton appealed to the values of young people! So, there you go! If you want to know just what MTV and Rock the Vote thinks are the values of our young people, just look at Bill Clinton! Let's make a list!
  • Repeated episodes of oral sex with a corpulent intern in the Oval Office.
  • Lying to your wife and the nation about your sexual relationship with the aforesaid corpulent intern.
  • Declaring that oral sex isn't sex at all!
  • Rape
  • Leaving your rape victim bleeding on the bed in her hotel room.
  • Grabbing the breasts of a woman looking for a job shortly after the death of her husband.
  • Lying under oath to deny a citizen their day in court on a lawsuit filed under a law that you signed with great fanfare.
  • Selling technology secrets to our enemies to make them stronger and us more vulnerable.
  • Setting up scam real estate deals to glom a little cash while nailing the taxpayers.
  • Sending the IRS out to make miserable the lives of your detractors.
  • Virtually ignoring the growing terrorist threat against the country you swore an oath to protect.
What the hell, you only swore an oath.

So .. there you go. Straight from the experts at MTV and Rock the Vote! A nice concise list of the values of young America! Actually, an argument could be made that items 7 through 12 might not belong on this list. These aren't issues that are generally on the minds of the types of young Americans who would be paying attention to MTV or Rock the Vote. At any rate, Clinton should display that award with pride!

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