Any government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson

Friday, May 20, 2005

Partisanship and the FairTax

Dear Sirs:

It was with great pleasure that I read Paul Gessing's article The Environmental Benefits of the FairTax on Far too many on the left reject off-hand any proposal that originated with a Republican such as John Linder's (R-GA) HR 25, the NRST, or as some call it the FairTax. This reform is truly non-partisan, recognizing that all Americans pay taxes and treating all Americans, as dictated by our Constitution's 14th Amendment, with equal justice under the law. Enactment of this plan will take the collection system for taxation out of the hands of politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups, generate a boon for our economy, and, as a bonus, actually and completely un-tax the poor by providing a prebate to all Americans to cover the cost of the tax up to the poverty level.

Partisanship is a genuine threat to this real and vital reform and a threat that should not be tolerated by the American people. This is why I find the actions of Nancy Pelosi, who has instructed House Democrats to oppose the FairTax without consideration, appalling, disgraceful, and not in the best interest of her constituents or Americans people in general. This type of radical partisanship should be exposed and denounced. I would denounce any politician of whatever stripe who demonstrated such blatant lack of open mindedness. And so it was with elation that I read Mr. Gessing's remarks. I want to thank for its honest consideration of the FairTax and encourage its editors to continue to promote this necessary and beneficial reform. The FairTax is a genuine win-win for all Americans, no matter to which Party they belong. Once again, thanks.

C. T. Anderson
(a political independent)
Lilburn GA


Anonymous said...

The IRS is the only government agency that will treat the poor and down trodden fairly. The so called fair tax or its bastard cousin the flat tax is designed by right wing radicals like you to turn the screws on the working man. I work hard for my money and my food stamps are a constitutional right. You and the bomb throwing wackos on the right would just love to make hard working people like me work even longer hours or more than 5 days a week. My 40 hour shift is plenty. The rich folks like you steal your money from the backs of the poor. Only the IRS can set things right. And what about all the IRS workers? Where would you have them work? Fair Tax my A$$!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last writer. I've been checking this Blog for months now and I'm happy to see someone finally stand up to this "Fair Tax" scam. So you would like to steal your money from the poor using the capitalist system and then steal it through taxing the working man at the same time as the people stealing their money? You should be ashamed. Please explain how you get the same revenue to pay for the same amount of services, and at the same time EVERYONE makes out. Even your twisted mind should see that can not work. And don't give me the standard "Shadow Economy" of drug dealers paying taxes. Do you think the black market would make up the difference? You know better, which makes you a liar or a thief. Which one???

Unknown said...

Anonymous, Amanda,

First of all, I invite each one of you to look at what you are actually saying. Did you know that the IRS is the only entity (not just governmental) in this country that has an amended Constitutional right to take away every single thing that you have, including your life by force to get what they want...all without a warrant. How's that for treating people fairly.

Secondly, I am hardly a right wing radical. Liberterian is what I call it. I vow to do everything in my power to get the government out of my life and out of the lifes of every American family, pocketbook, and bedroom. In addition, what makes you think that I am any richer than you are and that I don't work, as you so blatently stated that you do?

Food stamps are not a Constitutional right. What an absolutely stupid thing to say. Please prove that notion to me! The only rights you have, which the government doesn't give, is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Welfare is not a Constitutional right. Don't get me wrong, we've all been brought up to believe it is, but it most certainly is not. The government doesn't give us ANY rights, the Constitution was put into place to protect the rights we already have.

How are rich people stealing money from you? Was it not a rich person that gave you a job? It's my understanding that everybody has the freedom to negotiate what labor costs they are worth. Slavery was outlawed many years ago, my friend.

IRS would find another job in the more productive country. Should we keep people in unproductive jobs just so they can have that specific job? What you are saying is similar to wanting to keep racism around just so the employees of the NAACP could stay in their job. Although, not realizing that they are not needed anymore. If you want more jobs for people, the government could do that for you in an instant. The moment they outlawed farm machinery, millions of jobs would open for people to take. Is that what you want... More jobs, but much less productivity.

A thief or a liar... Well, a lie would indicate that I am knowingly telling you false information. That absolutely is not true. But a thief would indicate that I have taken something from you without your consent. What have I taken from you? Not that when it is, it will be stealing, but the FairTax has not been implemented yet. Once again, what I have stolen from you?

In order to see the positive monetary benefits for every citizen, you have to look at the complete picture. The tax base of consumption is larger than the base for income. Many more people in this country consume than do people that earn income. This includes, but is not limited to tourists, illegal aliens, prostitutes, and tax cheats. Also, great efficiences would be created that would add greater wealth to this country through decreased paperwork, man-hours, and government regulations. It shifts the base of what is actually taxed, which is important for you to understand.

However, take a look at this article again. I was not the one that wrote it in the first place. Secondly, it was written by an independent that appeared to me to be left-leaning because of his association with the Democratic party. Also, the article pointed very little benefits of the FairTax. It simply stated that the partisanship with the Democrats has to stop. What you proclaim loudly is EXACTLY what the article is about. Get on board with real progress and stop hampering your country with partisan politics and dribble about entitlements.

Lastly and once again, I invite you to look and examine what you write. Please do some research on what you speak. There is a great deal of information in the library or the internet about the FairTax, government, the IRS, and Constitutional rights. Research should not be restricted to listening to politicians (right and left) and the media. Pick up a non-fiction book every once in a while and actually read it.

Anonymous said...

This is an excerpt from a new study by Laurence Kotlikoff, Chairman of Economics Dept. of Boston University, “Would the FairTax Raise or Lower Marginal and Average Tax Rates?”, published at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Dec. 2005.

“In addition to imposing, in almost all cases, much lower marginal taxes on working and, in all cases, dramatically lower marginal taxes on saving, the FairTax imposes much lower average taxes on working-age households than does the current system. The FairTax’s reduction in average tax rates on the working age population reflects the broadening of the tax base from what is now primarily a system of labor income taxation to a system that taxes, albeit indirectly, both labor income and existing wealth. Consider, as an example, a single household earning $50,000. The household’s average tax rate under the current system is 21.1 percent. It’s 16.2 percent under the FairTax.

Since the FairTax would preserve the purchasing power of Social Security benefits and also provide a tax rebate, older low-income workers who will live primarily or exclusively on Social Security would be better off. As an example, the average remaining lifetime tax rate for an age 60 married couple with $20,000 of earnings falls from its current value of 10.1 percent to -6.1 percent under the FairTax. As another example, compare the current 24.0 percent remaining lifetime average tax rate of a married couple with $100,000 in earnings to the 17.7 percent rate that arises under the FairTax.”

Anonymous said...

My professor turned our class on to this Blog. He said this is a classic example of Right Wing, only out for yourself, keep the gubment (pronounced how it’s spelled) out of my life thinking. Problem is, you want MY money (well my parents, since I’m in school and don’t work yet) for your Christian conservative programs and unjust war. Its people like you that got George Bush elected that have led us down this primrose path. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Make a choice flat tax boy, War or Flat Tax… Wow that’s a real dilemma for you.
Personally I want neither but I won’t get what I want until Hillary is elected. Then things will get set straight. Maybe she can use some of the leftover torture camps to house people like you, to keep you from tainting the rest of society.

incognitouser1 said...

Let's see how fast those against the Fair Taxspend their prebate checks on lottery tickets, beer and smokes

Anonymous said...

So all people who receive checks from the government are beer swigging, cigarette smoking, lottery scratching morons? I have worked 20 years and have paid plenty in social security over those years. Yeah I get more money back than I put in, but plenty fat cats don’t pay nothing in taxes to begin with. You think Bush pays any taxes on all that oil money? Yeah I smoke and drink and play the lotto, but at least I don’t steal from the poor. I work plenty hard to support my wife and family. I get food stamps for my kids food. They’ll pay taxes some day. So in the end it all works out. As for the lottery, the odds may be long but its the best chance a poor man has to retire early. I don’t have a pension like you probably do.

I think James is just an old rich man with nothing better to do than figure out ways to steal from the poor working class stiffs like me. You probably never worked a hard day in your life!

Anonymous said...

The IRS is responsible for taxing all, including the poor on the meager incomes they may have.
Social Security, Medicare, and basic taxes on income. The SS Tax stops at a much higher level than the poverty level leaving the higher income earners not paying the same percent of tax. This leaves a regressive tax on the poor.
As far as your working a hard 40 hrs and deserving Food Stamps, I work at least 60 hours every week and my additional taxes pay for your Food. Why should I be paying for your lack of participating in school so you now only have the education for a minimum wage job. I hope your not spreading your work ethic to any children

Anonymous said...

At one FairTax event I asked a lady if she enjoyed having money confiscated from her paycheck every week. Her alarmed response was “Don’t take that away! They send me a check every year!” I told her that’s what we are talking about. “Sign our petition they will send you a check every month”.

Some people deserve the government we have.

I will not stop until every American knows about the FairTax. I have traveled to 8 states promoting the FairTax.

Fair tax T-shirts and bumper stickers are available on e-bay.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, I have read the constitution and I cannot remember the part where food stamps are included as a right. Do you really think it is your right to have government take money away, with the threat of incarceration, from those of us who work 50+ hours a week? Take money from those of us who forgo getting a new car every other year so you can sit on your butt after having only worked 40 hours, and enjoy the same rewards that I do?

America is the land of the free. You are free to work more than one job like I have had to. You are free to work multiple jobs and go to night school as I have. Then you too can have an income that is above not only the poverty line, but is above average.

You are probably thinking I am one of those rich fat cats you hear about living the life of luxury, living off the sweat of the “working class.” No I am not. I am working class too, and I am sick and tired of having to supplement your lifestyle.

I work in retail, and I just love to see you and your food stamps buying premium ice cream, and expensive snacks and foods while I shop the bargain bins. I love to see you drive in with your expensive new cars while I drive a 10 year old car that I bought used. I do not live in a mansion provided by the sweat of the poor; I live in an average home. But at least I own 40% of it now. It would be more, but I have to pay so much in taxes to supplement the life style of losers that are too lazy to work.

If this fits you, then all of the offense is intended.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's amazing how some liberals get their panties in a wad and just fire off and talk about anything without regard to actual facts.

All this talk about stealing from the poor, you obviously are forgeting who keeps the poor, poor. It's the democrats!!! I bust my butt everyday to make a living and talk to my friends that make more than triple of what I make and they did it the hard way. Working more that 40 hours a week. (what a cop out.."My 40 hour shift is plenty"). That's fine for some but not for those who want to get ahead. Liberals expect that the government is the end all solution to the dead beat attitude of the wanna be poor.

Some of you are calling the Fair Tax a "scam", whose Kool Aide have you been drinking. You mean to tell me that you don't want 100% of your paycheck? You don't want a prebate check that you can spend on anything you want even if it is a Lotto ticket? How about being able to fill up your tank and going to that next job interview that will bring home a bigger paycheck? I guess you must like filling out your taxes every year and praying that you get some money back or worse yet getting an ulcer worried about getting audited. Incredible!!!! I guess your against bringing manufacturing and jobs back to the states because that's just what the FairTax will do for America.

I can't believe some of you here especially the democratic and liberal lemmings that can't think for themselves. Stop for a second and ask yourselves this, is Shrillary going to come and offer you a job when you loose it, NO. You are going to buckle up and pound the pavement. You and ONLY you are responsible for yourself not the government. Most of you would have never made it if you were part of the great people of that help get this country going over 200 years ago, and now you are part of the problem and if you had it your way you will completely ruin this great land that we call home, the United States of America and if you hate America you know where the closest airport is and buy yourself a one-way ticket to Iraq so you can see what people are dying for everyday, for what you take for granted.

And that is my RANT!!!

Anonymous said...

It is so ignorant to hear people saying that IRS treats poor people fairly. What a stupid thing to say! My mother over 74 years sold her 2 stocks that her previous company gave her. She probably gained 100 bucks, but the income tax law is so complicated and she had to hire an accountant to figure that out. Guess what, she paid that accountant about 100 bucks!
By reading this comment, I realize that how people here can be so brainwashed as well.
The fairtax is the result of 10-year-20-million- dollar research by Harvard and MIT economists, not some right wing wacos as you have been told.
Usually no 3 economists will agree to anything, but they all agree that fair tax will create jobs, increase economy power of this country tremendously.
In plain English, the purchasing power of people will greatly increased.
If you want to know what is fair tax, please read the book yourself, don't be guided by other people's opinion. You have a head and you can use it to think .

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that this anonymous IDIOT thinks the IRS is the only government agency that will treat the poor and down trodden fairly! I am poor and down trodden and they are treating me like a person who has just gone on a murdering spree!!! I won't go into my story, but apparently, Mr or Ms Anonymous has never had to contact the IRS for any reason, nor have they ever had to pay taxes in an installment agreement. Anonymous and Amanda Huginks need to be given the Fair Tax book and they need to read it cover to cover and maybe then, they will realize that the only "scam" is the IRS. I can't believe they are standing up for an agency that polices themselves and can ruin a person's credit and life without any reprocussions from ANYONE...including other government agencies. The IRS is the absolutely WORST government agency ever created and they don't care whose lives they destroy (like mine). Mr or Ms Anonymous, I work very hard for my money, too, but KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THE IRS CANNOT SET THINGS RIGHT. The IRS are the ones who "steal your money from the backs of the poor". And the IRS workers - well, if there is a competent person in the bunch, they can get a job at Wal-Mart or McDonalds like thousands of other people. I hope these people have to face an audit in the near future. I'd like to know what their impression of the IRS is like after that!

Anonymous said...

I just looked through the last few posts and was pleased to see an actual debate with a liberal. However, I would like to see an actual discussion of facts versus the name calling and attacks. I agree that this is an emotional topic as I have had to pay the IRS on installment myself.

Anonymous said...

I'm a registered Democrat, I support our military and I love our country, BUT, it's time the government gets out of our lives and lets Americans do what they do best.

At a recent Fair Tax event, Rep. Lindner stated that the Fair Tax is a tax on wealth, not wages. For the "working poor" (I hate labels), the Fair Tax would be a godsend, unfortunately, most of them haven't been able to figure that out. When was the last time they looked at their Gross Pay versus Take Home pay? Forget about the percentages of taxes you'll pay, forget about the "whopping" 23% tax rate, percentages are just numbers and they're like statistics. Remember this...the harder you work, the more money you'll make AND take home. No longer will Uncle Sam take his share first, you'll decide how much you give to him buy spending, buying what you want to buy! Food, clothing, electronics, you decide.

For you hourly workers, when was the last time you turned down overtime??? I used to refuse overtime frequently, it wasn't worth it, the more money I made (especially in overtime), the more the government took from me. Don't get me wrong, I'm now self employed and 60-70 work weeks are the norm, I do work hard!

The Fair Tax will return the power to the people, no wonder many politicians and lobbyists are afraid of it and blast it with lies.

To the American people...get informed! Support the Fair Tax and encourage your Representatives and Senators to do the same.

One last comment, Rep. Lindner said it doesn't matter WHO gets the Fair Tax passed, he'd be elated if Hilary jumped on the band wagon, took credit for the Fair Tax and got it passed. Heck, I might even vote for her if she did.

This is not a partisan issue, it is an American issue and one that is great for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Amanda Huginkis-

As a fellow Amanda, I am embarrassed by your comments. Shut it! You're making the rest of us Amanda's look like idiots! Here is what you had to say: "I work hard for my money and my food stamps are a constitutional right.
You and the bomb throwing wackos on the right would just love to make hardworking people like me work even longer hours or more than 5 days a week. My 40 hour shift is plenty."

Here is my question for you: Which article or amendment number grants you the "constitutional right" to your food stamps? Bonus points if you can tell me the same of the "right to vote."

Second question... why is your 40 hour week plenty? Why not 45? 55? Some people.. who REALLY work hard, actually work more than a 40 hour week. Those people are the successful, the achievers, the people who AREN'T on food stamps and aren't a drag on my wallet or the wallet of any other American.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Fair Tax, working more than 40 hrs a week, or being self-sufficient.

So Amanda Huginkis, know what you are talking about before you open your mouth. It just makes it easy for people to target your uninformed argument.
Amanda F.

Anonymous said...

I know I just chimed in about the NRST, but I want to bring up a point about it that doesn't really have anything to do with right v/s left on the issue...

This is a story about a family. This family has lived in a small shrimping and oystering town in north Florida. About 50 years ago or so, the patriarch of the family bought a plot of land on a nearby beach beacuse he knew how much his wife and two daughters loved to go fishing and cast-netting. This little sleepy stretch of beach was quiet and hardly developed, and he paid $2000 for the land, which looked more like a jungle than a beach, and a little house which back then was already about 50 years old.

The patriarch's wife and daughters loved this house so much, and they spent their entire summers there. The daughters married, and had children of their own. Sadly their father passed, but their mother continued to take her children and grandchildren to this sleepy little beach. It was almost as if it were a private little island, so few people knew of it... and the grandchildren..all 8 of them... fell in love with "The Beach House" and looked forward to spending their summers there, just like their mothers had. Even as they moved away into Georgia and the Carolinas, every summer grandmother, daughters, and grandchildren would pack up and move to the Beach house for the summer.

And now the grandchildren are grown. Some have children, some are recently married... but ALL mourn the recent loss of their grandmother, and the impending loss of this house and land that have meant so much to them over the years.

You see... the Federal government taxes the estate of our family members when they pass. This little sleepy beach property that was worth ony $2000 50 years ago is now worth over $1 million... and it looks exactly the same as it did when it was first purchased. The house is a little more decrepit. The palms a little taller, and the beach a little eroded, but nothing else has changed, save the popularity of the area. But we can't afford to keep the Beach House, or Grandmother's house in town because its all worth too much to the Federal government. The tax they want is SO high, that we have no choice but to sell the property and watch as our little house is torn down, the beautiful wild plants bulldozed, and huge houses are built in place of the one.

If the Fair Tax was enacted, our family could keep this land. We don't want it because its worth so much money... we want it because its worth so much in memories.

And ours is not the only story like this. Many families cannot keep land that has belonged to them for generations simply because the tax that is taken from the estate is so high. The Fair Tax eliminates the estate tax, income tax and so much more. The Fair Tax gives Americans so much more than more money in their pocket; it can preserve memories.

Anonymous said...

First of all the right to Food Stamps is can be equated with the womyns right to vote or the 19th amendment to the Constitution. Both allow womyn to be free from the yoke of man. And that my friends is a constitutional right! Pay up who ever wanted to bet me on that one. Loser!

Secondly, I can’t believe all of the people who have to be anonymous on this site. Who are you afraid of? The IRS? Wackos.

Nice beach story, tell it to someone who cares. Maybe if your granny and mother had not depended on men they would have had jobs and could have paid for the sleepy little beach house. If you ask me, the developers should have taken it from them years ago anyway if it could be put to better use and gain more taxes for the county. Then people who don’t have houses at all could gain something from it.

And finally, back to my original question… Please explain how you get the same revenue to pay for the same amount of services, and at the same time EVERYONE makes out. Even your twisted mind should see that can not work. And don't give me the standard "Shadow Economy" of drug dealers paying taxes. Do you think the black market would make up the difference? You know better, which makes you a liar or a thief. Which one???

I don’t know why I bother with you people. The Fair/Flat Tax has no chance of passing. None. Zero. Nada. No Way. No How.